essay topics – More essay writing ideas Wed, 07 Jun 2023 11:07:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 15 Most Controversial Essay Topics On Current Events Tue, 02 Jan 2018 10:22:59 +0000 As you already know there are different types of essays. As a student, you’re required to establish your position on a chosen or given topic, and the use evidence to convince the audience to view things from your perspective. To create a great essay you have to investigate various sides of the topic at hand, which allows you to make informed decisions on your stand. Then you will have to gather evidence including, statistics, facts, and claims from experts. A pro essay writing service company can help you with such a task. But before you can create your essay you need to come up with a topic you can write about.

When asked to select a controversial topic for your essay, begin with something you are already familiar with. Whether you choose to hire an essay writing service Australia to help you with the assignment or not, be sure to choose a topic that will help you present your arguments easily.

Select your topic or get the paper done for you
Did you know that your essay can be written on your behalf and edited when you hire essay proofreading service? Most writing service companies provide a wide range of services. They can select a topic for your paper, write and edit it for you. They have hundreds of specialists who specialize in academic paper writing.

However, if you want to the paper by yourself, here is a list of controversial essay topics you can consider.

  1. Is it possible for restorative justice to work?
  2. Should the government legalize same-sex marriages?
  3. Should there be more restrictions on purchasing a gun?
  4. Should the government impose tougher punishments for any crimes done against the environment?
  5. Are the taboos on any form of recreational drugs justified?
  6. Are people abusing social networking platforms?
  7. Should the government ban reality television for good?
  8. Are celebrities making a mockery of the rights to privacy?
  9. Should pre-teens take part in sex education classes?
  10. Is the government supposed to reduce the legal drinking age down to 18?
  11. Are DUI offenders supposed to undergo more severe punishments than they currently do?
  12. Is it true that the legal system has been exploiting the minorities?
  13. Should we form an international judicial system for conducting trials on terrorists?
  14. Is it possible for mobile phones to be banned in educational institutions for good?
  15. Is the education system supposed to be the same all over the world?

It is evident that coming up with a controversial essay topic isn’t as tough as you thought. You can get ideas from anywhere and order your paper from an easy essay writing service if you don’t have enough time to work on the project by yourself. In case you manage to write the paper and you can’t edit it, be sure to consult a proofread essay service and get your essay edited in no time by professional editors and proofreaders. Make sure you consider these topics we have suggested the next time you are writing your essay.

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Coming Up With Strong Essay Topics: Tips For Students Thu, 28 Dec 2017 09:43:17 +0000 Being assigned an open-ended essay topic isn’t always a good thing. If there are no parameters set up for a certain essay assignment you could get lost very quickly. What’s more, brainstorming your own topic is time-consuming and hard, particularly if the brain isn’t producing more of that creative juice. The chances are that you will get stuck and struggle to invent just one exciting essay topic. Most students choose to hire essay writing service when they get stuck (however, be sure to avoid unreliable services like unemployed professors).

Luckily there are several easy strategies used by most writing essay service providers you can use to brainstorm excellent essay topic ideas.

Utilize group sessions
Sometimes it’s not easy to come up with ideas all by yourself, and that’s okay. You can join a group brainstorming session when you want to kick-start your thinking. Gaining the thoughts, inputs, and arguments from peers can really help you in your quest for an ideal essay topic. Before you can think about searching “write my essay service” be sure to brainstorm in a stress-free location while relaxing; this inspires creative ideas.

Come up with a mind map
Most students who rely on great brainstorming strategies have been using mind maps for many years. A clever strategy involves beginning with the main topic-maybe something like history or time-and then you branch out into numerous categories of your topic. You could still begin with a topic word then later find a related topic word you can pair it with. Be sure to branch further into more unique ideas and before you know it you will have several essay topics.

Compose a list
You don’t need to compose a list in one night. Take a few days to come up with a list of possible essay topics. Each time you come across a new idea, ensure you record it. In a day or two, you’ll probably have a dozen ideas written down. All you ought to do is pick the one you like best and hire an urgent essay writing service to create the essay for you.

Read, listen and watch
Another ideal way to start brainstorming is to input new information and ideas into your brain constantly. Watch random shows read interesting journals or listen to lecture and radio broadcast. This helps to stimulate the mind, and new ideas will be created. The most creative people are those that have more exposure to diverse topics, subjects and events.

Consult your instructor
Whether just can’t create a topic by yourself or you need a little clarification, the instructor can advise you accordingly. You can choose to visit them during office hours, send them an email or speak to them after class. Most instructors are sympathetic and will understand you. Moreover, they are always willing to help. Whether you are confident about the topic ideas you have or not, it never hurts to run the ideas by the professor. This acts as an insurance policy because you will be sure you are penning a paper they will enjoy reading.

Once you have chosen a topic and drafted your paper, you can get the best essay editing service to edit and proofread your work. This way you will be sure that you are presenting a quality essay to the professor.

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